Last year, I wanted to lose weight. So I started a Sushi Diet. It is very simple and flexible plan.
Day 1, 3, 5, 7.
Breakfast: 4-6 pieces of sushi. I usually eat California Rolls or Veggie Rolls.
2 Hours before lunch: 1 Banana
Lunch: 8-12 pieces of sushi rolls or 2 Hand Rolls of your choice or 6-8 specialty rolls
Mid Afternoon: 1 Apple
Dinner: 8-12 pieces of spicy tuna roll or California Rolls.
Day 2, 4, 6
Breakfast: 4-6 pieces of fresh Veggie Roll w/soy sauce.
2 Hours before lunch: 4-6 pieces of low sodium crackers & small orange juice. (This helps me kill the crave hunger.)
Lunch: 8-12 pieces of fresh Tuna, Salmon, or Veggie rolls. (Try to stay away from Fried sushi because of all the oil but once or twice is ok.
Mid Afternoon: 4 piece Spicy Rolls of your choice. (It is believe that spicy food helps increase metabolism. Thus, it helps burn fat.)
Dinner: 8-12 California rolls. (Keep it light at night.)
Helpful tips:
1. Stay away from fried sushi.
2. Drink a lot of water. I drink about 8 glasses per day.
3. Stay away from cream cheese sushi.
4. Keep it light at night.
5. Simple walk exercise for 15-30 mins.
6. No Tempuras.
7. Try to keep it mix different varieties of sushi since you WILL get bore and sick of it by 3rd day. The trick is to have different food in between so you always feel like your eating something different.
I lost almost 1 lb. per day. By the 7th day, i lost about 6 lbs. I didn't do any exercise that whole week. When my girlfriend saw me at the end of the week, she said "hey...you look different. You seem skinner." She was amaze that the Sushi Diet worked for me. I was very happy too and I like to share this secret to everyone. I hope everyone will give this Sushi Diet a try and email me your before and after. I'll be gladly put it up. Happy New Years!
*Results may vary